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As we approach the middle of the summer, the weather doesn’t seem to be getting any cooler. The heat and humidity are climbing, which means your AC use has probably increased. During this time, it’s important your AC is well-maintained and properly functioning, so you don’t have to deal with the sweat and costly repairs that come with a sudden breakdown. That is why the pros at OnTime Service have some summertime AC maintenance tips for you so you can stay cool and comfortable this summer!

1. Clean or Change Your Air Filter

According to the Department of Energy, replacing a dirty filter with a clean one can decrease your AC’s energy consumption by up to 15 %. A clogged or dirty air filter can reduce the airflow of your AC and prevent it from performing efficiently. It is also important to note that a debris-filled air filter can cause greater problems such as carrying the dirt onto the evaporator coil. The evaporator coil is essential to your home’s AC system and excessive dirt can cause it to freeze up and reduce efficient air conditioning.

Try to change your air filter every 30-90 days depending on the environment you are living in. Your air filter might be located behind the grilles of your home or in your indoor air handler.

2. Be Strategic About How You Cool Your Home

Bringing your AC down to 60 degrees in hot weather does not make it cool any faster. In fact, you might be causing it to run overtime and unnecessarily use up energy.

When searching for the right thermostat setting to cool your home, try raising it to the highest degree that is still comfortable for your household. If you are away from home for prolonged periods, set the AC 7-10 degrees higher than the normal setting. By doing this for 8 hours a day, you can save about 10 percent a year on heating and cooling.

Another way you can efficiently cool your home, reduce the load on your AC, and save up on energy is by making use of ceiling fans. These fans circulate the air and produce a “wind-chill” effect making you feel cooler. If you frequently use ceilings fans you can raise the thermostat up by 4 degrees and still feel comfortable!

3. Ensure You Have Enough Refrigerant

Refrigerant is a cooling agent present within the coils of your AC, regularly changing from liquid to gas to cool your home. Not having enough refrigerant could lead to your AC running constantly without cooling your home.

Refrigerant is a dangerous chemical and it’s important to have professional deal with it. Make sure the technician you call doesn’t just fill up your AC system with refrigerant—it’s important they also check for any leaks and repair them to ensure refrigerant does not seep out in the future.

4. Clean Out the Coils

The condenser coils and evaporator coils can be prone to dirt and debris, especially in an AC that isn’t well maintained. A dirty evaporator coil can freeze up if too much dirt accumulates on it. If you try thawing it and it continues to freeze up, it’s best to have a professional clean and handle it.

However, you can clean up your outdoor condenser coils by yourself. Remember to remove any large debris around the outdoor unit and remove any additional dirt and dust using a soft brush or a power wash.

Maintaining your outdoor unit and cleaning your condenser coils isn’t a replacement for regular maintenance checkups—it’s important you have a professional come in annually and ensure everything is clean and ready to go!

Schedule Maintenance with OnTime Service

While we have no doubt that you’re a great homeowner who will follow these summertime AC maintenance tips, keep in mind that it’s important to schedule regular maintenance checks. The professionals at OnTime Service will be able to point out any unnoticed problems, preventing costly repairs in the future! To schedule HVAC tune-ups and repairs fill out our service request form or call 205-942-1405!

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