White transparent flame icon.

Heating your home this winter has, no doubt, already affected your energy bill. However, there are certain things that add to the already high expenses of heating and cooling. To help you out the pros at OnTime Service have prepared a guide on how you can avoid paying more to heat your home.

1. Set Your Thermostat Properly
Firstly, make sure your thermostat is set to heat and “auto” instead of “fan” because on “auto” your thermostat only runs when it is going through a heating cycle. Next, try out this energy saving method—set your thermostat 7-10 degrees from your usual setting for at least 8 hours a day. If you have a programmable thermostat, you might be able to schedule this kind of setting. Additionally, you can do this with a smart thermostat much more easily as it offers remote control. By using this kind of setting, you can reduce your heater’s energy consumption by up to 10% a year.

2. Change Your Air Filter
If you want to improve your indoor air quality, keep your furnace in good condition while saving up 5 to 15% on heating and cooling, you must change your air filter. Ideally, you should change it once a month. A clogged air filter can come with many other problems like a frozen evaporator, a slow functioning furnace and worsening indoor air quality.

3. Seal Up Air Leaks
Believe it or not, air leaks can force your unit to work harder than it needs to. Make sure you seal up any potential air leaks, especially around your doors and windows. Add any caulking where there are cracks and if you need new weatherstripping, you can easily find some at your nearest home improvement store. Additionally, look around your home for more insulation, especially in your attic as air has the highest likelihood of escaping from there. If you have blown in insulation and want to inspect if your attic has enough, you can do so visually—simply check whether the insulation is covering the attic floor joists or not. If it isn’t, that means you need more insulation.

4. Use ENERGY STAR Appliances
ENERGY STAR appliances are generally more energy-efficient. You can find many appliances rated by ENERGY STAR so if you want to save money on heating this winter, consider using ENERGY STAR materials!
Other Quick Fixes

Save up in other areas! Consider switching to LEDs to save on your lighting or make sure you have no water leaks to save up on your water bill.
Use blankets to stay warm and turn your thermostat down a little bit.
Unplug appliances when they are not in use.

Have any more questions about how you can avoid paying more to heat your home? Get in touch with the pros at OnTime Service. Call us today or schedule a service with us on our website!

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