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Have you ever wondered what happens to your old HVAC systems, water heaters, and other appliances when you replace them?

Sometimes, appliances in working condition are refurbished and resold.
Sometimes, disposed appliances are brought to a landfill. Refrigerant and other hazardous components are normally removed from refrigerated appliances, but disposed appliances are often landfilled whole.
Sometimes, the materials are separated and recycled.

At OnTime Service, we take the time recover and remove all hazardous components followed by the removal and separation of different metals for proper recycling.

Replacing an old appliance?

While you could do research to find someone to pick up and recycle those old appliances, it would be much more convenient if the contractor replacing your appliance could do it for you. Don’t you think?

We do too, which is why we dismantle old appliances to separate the metals and take them to the proper recycling center for you. All hazardous components are removed and reusable parts are sorted out.

Unfortunately, many home service companies simply throw your old appliances in a landfill. While there are federal regulations for dealing with harmful materials such as refrigerant and mercury, it’s nearly impossible to track. There are many reports of appliance dumping, refrigerant venting, and hazardous waste release.

Ask the company doing your replacing exactly what they will do with your old unit. Make sure you hire a home service company that recycles your old appliances and materials rather than throwing it into a landfill whole.

Is there a law requiring appliance recycling?

Although the United States is the largest waste appliance producer in the world, there is currently no federal law requiring appliance recycling. As of 2017, however, 22 states have banned appliances from landfills.

How OnTime Service Recycles Your Old Appliances

While we can’t speak for other home service companies, we offer free removal and recycling of your old appliance when you are buying a new model. We care about the environment and make sure that everything is properly disposed of.

If we get an old furnace or water heater, we cut it up to separate and sort out the different parts. Aluminium, steel, copper — when the pile gets big enough, we take it to the proper recycling center.

Old refrigerant gets stored and eventually incinerated at an EPA-approved hazardous-material destruction facility.

The money we get back from the recycling company pays for the expense of breaking it apart and transporting it. This way, we don’t have to charge the customer for removal services.

Additional Options for Recycling Old Appliances

Have an old water heater or dryer sitting in the garage? If your old appliance still works, you can try donating it or posting it for free/cheap on Craigslist. Many utility companies also offer rebates and other incentives for recycling old appliances, but they usually require that the appliance is in working condition.

There are also non-profits, such as Habitat for Humanity, that could use your donated appliances as well as donated furniture, building materials, and home accessories. Check out EPA’s Responsible Appliance Disposal (RAD) for more information.

Contact OnTime Service anytime for more information on donating or recycling your old HVAC units, water heaters, and other appliances.

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